Galaxy Guitar Products

28 Years Of Excellence!
Serving Musicians Worldwide.

Galaxy Guitar Products


Free USA Ground Shipping or Upgrade to FedEx 3 Business Day Air Express.
Standard Orders Confirmed By 12:30 PM Pacific time can ship same day.
Custom Orders are available, shipped within 5-7 Days.
International Orders Ship Daily Via FedEx.


To Order Click On Any Chrome "BUY ME" Tab on this page.

guitar guitar
Normal Size 5/8's Diameter Left, Custom Ordered Extra Large 7/8's Diameter Right.

Serving The World-One Musician At A Time.

Created by Rock Guitarist Randy Young!

The greatest gift you can give someone or yourself with an injured or missing finger.

Offering Finger Protectors & Longer Custom Made Finger Extensions. Do you have a Finger injury but do not play an instrument? We can help you regain the ability to play an instrument or type again. Yes all this from a Guitar Company whose founder Guitarist Randy Young created this important service, trusted by thousands of Musicans & Non Musicians Worldwide.
As Material Suppliers, Shipping Carriers continue to raise our rates for services we continue to hold the line- We have not raised our Finger Protector prices in 4 years. We are still offering Free Ground Shipping in The USA. You may upgrade to Air Express.


Yes you can play your instrument in comfort. Galaxy FT-1 Guitar Finger Protectors™ For Guitar, Bass Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Mandolin, Harp, Horn, Keyboard Players. Serious Musicians invest in the #1 Guitar Finger Protector to keep them playing.
Review Our New Galaxy FT-1 XL a longer Finger Protector. Details are below. Helping The World One Musician At A Time Play Their Instrument In Comfort. Our Finger Protectors help Non Musicans as well with a Finger Injury Type & use their finger again.
Even Gamers are using our FT-1 Finger Protector for faster speed advantage. Have a Multiple Finger Injury? Problem Solved.

No other company on Planet Earth Provides our Professional Finger Products & Relentless Caring Knowledgable Tech Support for injured Musicians prior to your order being processed. This Page Contains Expert Information & Photos to help you. Many Finger Protector & Extension Questions Are Answered. Technical recommendations can be provided once you submit a photo of your hand over an inch tape measure lined up as shown below with a full written Request via the "Contact Us Form".

Visit Our Guitar Pages Click The Chrome Links at the top of this page. You Just May Find Your New Guitar Treasure.

All Products & Materials Used To Create Them Are Made In The USA.

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Guitar Finger Protector

FT-1 Finger Protector in Flesh Tone Color.
In Stock
Galaxy Guitar Finger Protector

FT-1 Protector in Electric Blue W/Silver Flash Stripes.
In Stock

Professional Protection To Overcome Your Finger Challenge.

Our Customers Receive VIP Gold Service!
Read Customer Testimonials Below.

We Have Your Finger Protector or We Will Make It For You.

Galaxy Galaxy



Custom Order Your Own Finger Protector or Finger Extension
or Choose Our Ready To Ship FT-1 Normal & Large Standard Sizes.
Diameter Interior Sizes we can make: 1/2 inch, 9/16th's, 5/8's, 11/16th's, 3/4's, 7/8's, 1 inch.

The Only Guitar Company That Can Make You A Custom Finger Protector or Order Our 2 Standard Sizes Developed by Our Founder An Accomplished Guitarist Randy Young. Available standard interior diameters: Normal size- 5/8 inch, Large size- 3/4 inch. Custom Diameter Sizes: Small-1/2 inch, 9/16th's, 11/16th's, Extra Large Sizes- 7/8's & 1 inch. Sizes to fit every injured finger. Our Finger Protectors & Finger Extensions are quality made. They will not tear, rip, dry-out or crack. Unless you step on it, lose it or your Dog eats it. We make them by hand in America to last years as long as you take care of your investment.

Check Out Galaxy FT-1 Flame Finger Protectors Details Below.

Yes you can slide over frets, bend, play fast it is up to your abilities.
We Provide The Tool You Supply Patience, Determination, Perseverance.

Galaxy Guitar Products
Made In The USA

Galaxy Introduces The 1.8 inch length FT-1 Ultra & FT-1 Ultra-Thin Option Perfect For Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar, Bass, Uke Players who have tight string spacing & need protection with a thin exterior grip. 7/8's total length. The FT-1 Ultra Protector & Extender length measures: 1 inch & 1/8th. For those that cut a finger tip off & need about 1/4 inch length back. Both offerings are custom made to order at $247.00 each. For longer Extensions check out our 1 & 1/2 inch FT-1 XL & FT-2 Finger Extensions. Our standard FT-1 Finger Protector is approx 7/8's total length. The FT-1 Ultra add's some length but less than our FT-1 XL. We know you will have questions- submit a hand photo postion as shown below with a detailed request use the Contact Us tab above.

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Bass Guitar Finger Protector

Custom Order Your FT-1 Ultra.
For a Longer 1.8 inch Core.

Need More Length, Check out The FT-1 XL & FT-2 Below.

Guitar Finger Protector

FT-1 Ultra-Thin is now a Free Option that can be added to a Custom Order. Ultra-Thin Finger Protector refers to the exterior grip custom cut less wide for Instruments that have Tighter String Spacing. If you experience challenges because strings are close together Ultra-Thin Option added to a Protector or Extension allows more precise chord playing & depends on your playing abilities.

Guitar Finger Protectors

Stealth Force Protectors- a sleek aggressive look. Choose Solid Black, Silver or Gold Flash Stripes Specify at checkout. All our protectors can reduce finger sensitivity pain while you type. We do not charge extra for Graphic Flames or Stripe Options. Need a Longer length? See Galaxy FT-1 XL & FT-2. All our Finger Extension Products deliver firmness for unsurpassed protection against pain.


We Accept All Major Credit Cards

Put our 28 years of Guitar Finger Protector experience to work for you.
Galaxy Guitar Products USA manufactures & ships the patented Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector™ Worldwide. The FT-1 Guitar Finger Protector is your only option if you want a Finger Protector that provides a professional solution made for Guitarists, Bass Players, Violinists, Cellists, Viola, Stringed Harp Players, Mandolin, Banjo Players, Uke, Saxophonists, Clarinetists & Keyboardists. The Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector™ is the #1 Finger tip injury guitar aid. It provides help for all types of Musicians & Non Musicians with injured finger tips. It is not a cheap silicone toy finger tip guard Made In China or rubber finger cot. Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protectors™ are strong built to last & help a finger tip that has been severely injured, cut off or experiences painful sensitivity. Our Ultra-Flex Cores are firm & strong, they are not thin or stretchy. They will not rip, tear or crack ever. We make them to last as long as you take care of it. The Galaxy Finger Protector will provide protection from serious finger challenges. Clients come to us after they wasted time with cheap substandard protectors or someone making a home made item that does not work. The Galaxy Guitar Finger Protector is the only finger tip protector designed to stop pain & sensitivity from an injury by removing most of the pressure at the finger tip. Our Guitar Finger Tip Protector is tailored for any musical instrument playing. Silicone finger guard products do not provide this level of professional protection or properly slide over frets or grip instrument steel strings. The Exterior of Our Finger Protectors was designed by our Founder to accomplish 2 major benefits. #1- Strong enough to provide enough down force pressure in any application. #2- A lighter touch is needed that relieves injured finger back pressure decreasing Pain & Sensitivity when playing on steel strings, horn instruments or keyboards. Our Finger Protectors can make your playing more precise. Doctors who are musicians with finger injuries or have patients in need of a finger prosthetic for musical instrument playing purchase our Guitar or Bass finger protectors & finger extensions. The Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector™, FT-1 XL™ & FT-2 Finger Extensions™ are not medical devices, they are a musical accessory. Many non musicians have overcome their lost or injured finger challenge right here. Galaxy makes our Guitar Finger Protectors & Extensions to last you years. Unlike soft silicone medical finger prosthetics that have to be repurchased every few years. The Galaxy FT-1™ can increase the speed of hammer-on's & develop a unique vibrato technique allowing you to become more precise with your playing with practice. A bit of Patience & Perserverance are keys to success. Read Customer Testimonials Below.

Our Founder Guitarist Randy Young started to make his own Guitar finger protectors in 1976 way before the internet in Port St. Lucie Florida when he was 17 years young after meeting Black Sabbath Guitarist Tony Iommi who showed him his finger protectors one late night in Miami after a studio session. Randy became obsessed with trying to make protectors for his own use for years. He moved back to New York an continued to make his protectors to get them just right. There was something pushing him. As fate would have it- 30 years later that Obsession became an important resource for injured Musicians around the world. The full story can be found on the "About Us" Page. The Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector™ is sold as one. When you require the Best Guitar Finger Protector for a serious finger injury that has healed or painful sensitivity condition there is only one professional choice for advanced or beginner players The Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector™. Here is why: Stronger than a Finger Prosthetic or gimmick silicone finger guard both do nothing to provide protection from the pressure of steel guitar strings & fretboard impact. The Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector™ helps hundreds of Musicians worldwide each year regain the ability to play their instrument in comfort. No other Guitar Finger Protector absorbs Heavy Pressure, the Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector™ does for unsurpassed protection. For people that have a serious finger injury, missing a finger tip or need a bit more length Galaxy Professional Finger Protectors & Extensions can get you back to playing. Need longer length? We got you covered, see the Galaxy FT-1 XL & FT-2 Finger Extensions shown below. Only Galaxy Ultra-Flex Finger Protectors provide strong finger protection & strong down-force pressure. We have been Serving Musicians Worldwide for over 27 years. Questions? Use The Top "Contact Us" Tab.

SIZES: Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protectors are Ready To Ship in our standard interior diameters: Normal 5/8's, Large 3/4". Custom Sizes Are Available On All Products FT-1, FT-1 Ultra, FT-1 Ultra-Thin, FT-1 XL & FT-2 Finger Extensions™. Custom Diameter Sizes: Small: 1/2", 9/16th's, Medium: 11/16th's, Extra Large 7/8's, Largest 1 inch. All Galaxy FT-1 Ultra, FT-1 Ultra-Thin Finger Protectors & FT-1 XL & FT-2 Finger Extensions Are Custom Orders. Our Ultra-Flex Cores are 1/16" thick & hollow. They are not thin or soft. If they were there would be no pressure barrier to stop pain & sensitivity. Send us a photo over an inch tape measure lined up as shown below with a detailed written request we will help you. We provide the Technical Help & Solutions you supply patience, determination, perseverance. You will be Glad over time you took steps to overcome your finger challenge.

Checkout Galaxy Youtube Demonstration Videos Below.

Click to Enlarge Images.

Bass Guitar Finger Protector

In Stock
Galaxy Bass Player Guitar Finger Protector
Standard Sizes $137.00, Custom Orders: $247.00. More Color Options shown below.

Guitar Finger Extension

Custom Order A Longer FT-2 Finger Extension. Available Interior Diameters Sizes: 1/2", 9/16th's, 5/8's, 11/16th's, Large 3/4", 7/8's,
or 1-inch. $437.00 Details Below.

Guitar Finger Tip Protector

Custom Ordered
New Galaxy FT-1 Ultra-Thin Option For Tighter String Spacing. Painless String Bending Now Possible while protecting a Finger Injury.
Tony Iommi Finger Protector

In Stock
Hot FT-1 Flames Available in Gloss Black Or Electric Blue For a Harley Look on Your Finger.


Questions? Use The Contact Us Tab Above.
You can send us a photo & written request. Example Photo How To Position Your Fingers is shown below.
Recommendations can only be provided with your hand over an Inch Tape Measure.

Our Guitar Finger Protectors are strong & fexible. They are made for a serious finger injury where the tip of your finger is missing or to sensitve to press down or bend steel strings. No other Guitar Finger Protector has our Ultra-Flex Formula we developed. Galaxy Guitar Finger Protectors can even be heated with a blow dryer on low heat to soften & expand the core slightly if you need a bit more room. This will not compromise the strength of the protector. You can spend $7,500 for a Prosthetic, will it be strong & tailored for Musical Instrument Playing? No, soft silicone has to be replaced every few years as well when it dries out, rips or cracks. A medical prosthetic is more expensive & does not have the down-force strength or a grip to play an instrument. You can spend $10.00 for silicone or plastic toy finger guards, will they stop pain & sensitivity from a severe injury? No. Seasoned musicans & those starting to learn will need a strong protector that lasts & can standup to the many demands of individual players. Bending strings, playing fast, sliding over frets, chord positions. These all take time to master, once you do master them you will be glad you invested in a Professional Finger Protector & you took serious steps to over come your finger condition. Galaxy FT-1 the #1 Finger Protector For Injured Musicians On Planet Earth. Thousands less than a Finger Prosthesis. Our FT-1 Finger Protector™, FT-1XL & FT-2 Finger Extensions™ provide unsurpassed protection from an injury or sensitivity. If you are serious about resolving your finger challenge We are serious about providing you the tool to accomplish that Goal.

Need a longer Finger Extension but 2 inches is too long?
Review Galaxy FT-1 XL Finger Protector & Extension In One.

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Galaxy Guitar Finger Extension

Need a bit longer? Order Your Custom FT-1 XL
Galaxy Guitar Finger Extension

FT-1 XL measures 1 & 1/2 inch length.

Available in any color we offer. Above Shown in Snowblind White Finish.

The FT-1 XL.
Requested by Musicians & Non Musician Customers with injured fingers who require a Finger Extender measuring 1 & 1/2 inches in length. All of our cores are 1/16 of an inch Wall Thickness & are completely hollow. They provide unsurpassed protection. Our original FT-1 standard size measures just under 1 inch in length. The New FT-1 XL is for the Person who requires a longer than our FT-1 Ultra 1.8 Finger Protector. FT-1 XL (Extra Length) is shorter than our 2 inch length FT-2 Finger Extension. FT-1 XL does not have a simulated Finger Nail Option like the FT-2 Extension. Both the FT-1 Ultra, FT-1 XL & FT-2 are Custom Orders. They are specially made to your specifications. All our Ultra-Flex cores are strong. Your finger can go all the way into the core. A longer length is achieved by pulling the extension out. We can provide foam strips & silicone finger band for a custom fit. FT-1, FT-1 XL & FT-2 come with adhesive backed foam strips that can be place inside to push the tip out more in comfort. The thin foam strips can also provide a snug fit when placed on the interior sides. Placement directions come inside your package. FT-1 XL Custom Orders are priced at $257.00 USD. Pricing details are below & on our order form at checkout. Visit our YouTube channel to see the FT-1 XL in action. Yes you can play Chords & Solo's. It gets down to Your ability & Positive Determination & Patience.

VIDEO: Galaxy FT-1 XL Finger Extension In Action! Yes You Can Play Fast, Barre Chords, Slide Over Frets, Bend
What Ever You Throw At Our Products They Perform. It Is Up To Your Abilities. Get Your Finger Length Back.


Galaxy Guitar Products USA provides professional Tech Support answering your Guitar, Bass, Keyboard or any musical instrument questions on how a Finger Protector or Finger Extension will relate to your specific Finger condition & Playing Ability before you purchase. We help each musician by reviewing provided photos & offering Expert Recommendations prior to processing your order. No other company offers our important service with Expert Technical Support on our Finger Protectors & Finger Extensions. Most Musicians order after they followed our measurement guide lines below on this page. If you need professional help with sizing it is available right here. Have Questions? Use The Top "Contact Us" Tab.

Meticulous hard work goes into making each FT-1 Finger Protector, FT-1 XL & FT-2 Finger Extension. The intricate process was created by Galaxy Founder Guitarist Randy Young. Our Tech's spend 7 hours over 4 days making each Galaxy Finger Protector in batches or 1 at a time Custom Orders. Our Unique Ultra-Flex cores are fabricated then a special wash is applied to sanitize them. Precise cutting & permanment bonding of our exterior grip is next so it lasts you years sliding over guitar frets & steel strings & impacting fretboards for years. A Technician must spend at least 1 hour applying the bonding & pressure by hand to get the external & interior grip to adhere to the Ultra-Flex surface- Not Easy. A Glass or plastic plug is inserted inside to bond the interior grip on our FT-1 Protectors. Once it does bond it is placed with others in a Jig to apply full pressure for 24 hours until the bonding is cured & strong. Hours of meticulous fine detailing follows throughout the entire process. Another cleaning of the core interior & exteriors in preparation for painting. 4 coats of special non irritant paint are hand applied heat cured between coats. 4 coats of our special strong water base clearcoat heat cured between coats are then applied to the exterior & finger entrance producing a durable exterior gloss finish. Once fully cured we continue to file the surfaces of the exterior strip to make it smooth. Our Finger Protectors & Extensions are reinspected, the interior is sanitized again allowed to air dry then they are packaged & shipped out helping another injured Musician around the world. Your Galaxy FT-1, FT-1 XL, FT-2 is crafted by a Guitarist in the United States not stamped out of a machine in a foreign land. Surgeon's, Insurance & Prosthetic Companies contact us to form a Finger Protector for their Musician clients. It's Your Finger & certainly worth having the highest standard of Finger Protection. Our unique Ultra-Flex Formula will even expand when heated on low heat with a blow dryer. If you are a Bass Player-Let us know at checkout. We have Protectors fabricated with extra wide exterior grips ready to ship, naturally at no extra cost. Need your finger length back? Our FT-1 XL & FT-2 Longer Extensions provide the same strong protection with added length to help you. They also include an Exterior Grip. FT-2 Includes optional simunlated finger nail. Once you're used to the Galaxy Protector or Extension it will get you back to playing in comfort. We do not make guarantees that may not be realistic for every client. It is up to your patience & determination just like learning your musical instrument these are Keys to success & accomplishment with your new Finger Protector or Extension.

Click on any chrome BUY ME tab. Fill out the secure order form, check the appropiate box for the size & shipping service, add your color choice in the bottom comment box Click Submit It is that simple. Once we receive your order our processing team will email you an authorization & agreement fill it out confirm your choices, agree to terms it takes 60 seconds email the complete agreement back, we will process your order. We can help you with a professional recommendation & sizing first. A measuring example photo is displayed below on this page. Line up your hand as shown, send us a photo of your fingers over an inch tape measure with a detailed written request. Please note: We can not make recommendations without a photo over an inch tape measure. Click on the Contact Us Tab, upload your photo. We will respond within 7 hours or less with a professional recommendation to help you. Please note- we do not choose your type of protector or size, the final choice is always yours. We will do our best to help you. Measure carefully. Checkout Youtube Video Below.

GALAXY ULTRA-FLEX FT-2 FINGER EXTENSION: Galaxy Guitar Products offers Ultra-Flex FT-2 Finger Extensions™. We receive many requests from people who need a longer extension for those that have lost more than the tip of a finger. The Galaxy FT-2 is a Custom Made 2 inch length finger extension. The FT-2 Finger Extension™ is not a medical device it is a musical accessory to help musicians that have lost a larger portion of the finger enabling them to reach & press down firmly on their strings or keys on a musical instrument. Our Ultra-Flex formula hugs your finger enhancing inside traction preventing the FT-2 from coming off your finger when playing. The FT-2 Extension is more combersome than a protector. The learning curve is much longer. Our Finger Extension does not have arches, everyone has an arch in different postions we would have to have hundreds of molds. It is a straight 2 inch extension that can be heated and softened. We even make the finger nail from scratch, cutting the shape & matching as best we can the color tones based on your provided photos. Painting the underside of strong clear material with 3 coats of paint & 2 clear sealer coats. The completed finger nail is then strongly bonded and has to cure for 24 hours, then we form the cuticle, another meticulous process involving shaping, detailing , blending. Galaxy Ultra-Flex FT-1 Protectors & FT-2 Extensions™. Currently available in 5/8's & 3/4 inch standard interior diameters sizes. Custom size orders are always available, details below. Galaxy Guitar Products is dedicated to help you regain your ability to play & excel on your musical instrument or any type of keyboard. Your only challenge is having patience & determination to overcome your finger condition.

FT-1, FT-1 XL, FT-2 Colors: Flesh-Tone, Darker Flesh Tone, Electric Blue, Electric Blue or White with Silver Flash Stripes, Jet Fighter Grey, Gloss Yellow, Caribbean Aqua, Snowblind White, Stealth Force Black or with Gold or Silver Flash Stripes. Check Out our New Flame FT-1" same price. New color- Jet Fighter Grey. Custom FT-2 Finger Extension is available in Matte or Gloss Flesh-Tone Finish only. Yes we can tint the color darker to come close to your provided photos. To order click on any chrome BUY ME tab. Confirm your color choice & Quanity in the Order Form bottom comment box.

SIZE, MEASUREMENT, PRICING INFORMATION: Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protectors™ are sold as one. Our Guitar Finger Protectors are $137.00 for both standard sizes ready to ship. On our normal size the finger entrance is 5/8's of an inch interior diameter. This will fit a average size finger. Our Larger Guitar Finger Protector measures 3/4's of an inch interior entrance diameter. Both our normal & large standard size are the same price.We do not charge extra for a larger standard Protector. Need a larger size? Custom options are available. Custom Made FT-1 $247.00 USD, FT-1 XL Protectors $257.00. The FT-1 measures just under 1 inch total length. The FT-1 XL measures 1 & 1/2 inches in length. We recommend you measure your finger carefully to insure a proper fit. We can help. Here is how to accurately measure: Lay your finger tip area over a tape measure, press down slightly, if your finger width measures 5/8's of an inch across You need our normal 5/8's FT-1 size. If your finger width is a bit wider measuring larger then 5/8's to 3/4's of an inch across or larger, you need our Large size or a Custom FT-1. For smaller size fingers, Our foam stripping can be used for a snug fit. On Custom orders we provide foam stripping for a custom snug fit. There is a finger bed grip inside. Not sure what size to order? Use our Contact Us form to upload a photo. Place the left side of finger flush on inch marker, do not use the 1 inch section to avoid interference with the metal tab on a tape measure. Press down slightly, take a photo. We do not choose your size, our qualified technical team can analyze your photo an provide a professional recommendation. We do not guarantee the FT-1 Finger Protector will fit or work for you. Due to the Sanitary nature of this product worn on the finger or risk of infection there are no returns. All FT-1 Protectors arrive to you in Ultra-Flex Cores for $137.00 USD each. Ultra-Flex FT-1 Custom Size Orders are available in all colors for $247.00 USD. Galaxy FT-2™ Custom Made Finger Extensions are $437.00 each with optional simulated Finger nail, Matte or Gloss Flesh Tone Finishes. Currently we are offering Free shipping in USA.

Questions? Use The Contact Us Tab Above.
You can send us a photo with a written request. How To Position Your Fingers shown below.
Recommendations can only be provided with your hand over an Inch Tape Measure.

Click to Enlarge Image

Place Fingers Against Left Inch Line.
Finger Prosthetic

Galaxy Guitar FT-1 XL Large Thumb Extension.

Galaxy FT-1 Guitar Finger Protector Video Demonstration of basic chord positioning,
ease of sliding over frets, quick soloing.

DOMESTIC & INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: We currently are offering free ground shipping in the USA. You may upgrade to 3 Business Day Air Express for $10.00 check that box on the order form. Domestic Overnight USA Shipping Service is available for $150.00.
International Customers Please Note: We Ship Internationally with FedEx. We pay additional charges for U.S. Customs Paper Work Preperation & Intl Payment Processing Charges. Note: There may be additional Customs charges your country charges on arrival not known prior nor covered by Galaxy. We will calculate your Intl rate & let you know before we process your order. Your International shipping rate will be on your Authorization email we send you once you have placed your order.

Galaxy's FT-1 is your only choice if your serious about your playing & need Professional Finger Tip Protection. An Expensive Medical Prosthetic will not work, they are to soft for musical instrument playing. Our Price for an Ultra-Flex Standard Size FT-1 $137.00. Custom Size FT-1 Finger Protector orders: $247.00. Custom Galaxy FT-1 XL orders: $257.00. Custom FT-2 orders: $437. All Custom Orders take 7-10 days to fabricate. Our Finger Protector cores can last a life time unlike a medical prosthetic that wears out in a few years. Due to the sanitary nature of these products worn on your finger or risk of infection all sales are final no returns. Your Determination & Patience are keys to success. Once you get used to your Guitar Finger Protector it will become second nature. We help one Musician at a time play their instrument in comfort. Get back to playing your instrument or regain lost finger length.

Guitar Finger Extension

FT-2 Finger Extension in Custom work process. Our 2 inch total length Finger Extension. For Customers who lost larger finger length.
Guitar Finger Prosthetic

Available Colors for FT-1 & FT-1 XL Custom Orders: Flesh Tone, Caribbean Aqua, Electric Blue, Jet Fighter Grey, Yellow, Snowblind White.

Tony iommi finger tips

Put Flash in your playing.
Add Optional Silver Or Gold Flash Stripes to any Custom Order. No Additional Charge.
Guitar Finger Protector

Precise String Bending is Possible.
Available Custom Order Interior Diameter Sizes: 1/2", 9/16th's, 5/8s", 11/16th's, 3/4", Extra Large Diameter Sizes: 7/8's, 1 inch.


Click to Enlarge Images

Guitar Finger Guard

New FT-1 Finger Protector Color In Stock
Galaxy Jet Fighter Grey Guitar Finger Guard.
Shown in Large 3/4" interior diameter.
Available For Custom Order Sizes as well.
Buy Guitar Finger Extension
Galaxy Ultra-Flex FT-1 XL Custom Order. Available In Every interior diameter We Offer. Confirm your size & color choice in the order form bottom comment box. Displayed In Electric Blue.


Galaxy Guitar Products
Made In The USA

[ Galaxy FT-2 Custom Made Longer Finger Extension. ]
After many requests we offer a Custom Made 2 inch Finger Extension.
If you lost your finger at the Knuckle Joint this is an affordable Option.
Thousands less than a medical prosthetic this may be your solution.
They do not have the appearence of an expensive Finger Prosthetic.
Customers who want length, strength that will not tear or dry out.
The mission is to provide you a tool to over come missing length.

Click to Enlarge Image

Guitar Finger Extension

Custom made to order for Injured Musicians.
Stronger than softer silicone fingers.
More Down-Force Pressure.
2 inches in total length.
Price $437.00.
Pinky Finger Extension

Optional Simulated Finger Nail No additional charge. Thousands less than a Prosthetic. Includes bottom exterior grip. Interior Diameters Sizes:1/2", 9/16th's, 5/8's, 11/16th's, Large- 3/4", 7/8's, 1 inch. Shipped Worldwide.

Click to Enlarge Image

Finger Injury Protector

Shown in Stealth Force Black w/ Silver Flash Stripes.
Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector For Bass Guitar

Bass Guitar FT-1 Custom Finger Protector

Finger Injury Protector

Standard Or Custom Order to your specifications.
Galaxy Finger Extensions

Dual Finger Injury? Problem Solved.

Custom Ordered FT-1 XL Finger Extensions.




Posted With Customer Permission.

I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone at Galaxy Guitar Products. The superb customer service and professionalism with your company is second to none. The FT-1 finger protectors are absolutely amazing and after some practice with them I am playing quite well, even slides and bends. After a massive heart attack and months in the hospital I lost two fingertips on my left hand, three on my right hand and both legs below the knees. As I went through several months of physical and occupational therapy and two surgeries on my fingers, the reality that I may never play Guitar again was very hard to accept since I have been playing most of my life. The FT-1 finger protectors have allowed me to play my Guitars again. I am so thankful I found your company that puts your customers first and provides such a valuable service for musicians.

Click to Enlarge Image

My 4th Order a Custom Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector. Thank you so much and please let owner Randy Young know I am very grateful and humbled by his generosity. These finger protectors have brought me a great deal of happiness. I cannot say enough good things about your company, customer service and products.
James Welch. Green Cove Springs, Florida.

Hello, I recently received my Galaxy Custom Made FT-1 XL. I already love it. Thank you so much, I'm still getting used to it, but within an hour of playing I am already getting the feel. I wish I would’ve known about this product in 1992 when my finger accident happened. It would’ve saved me countless hours of severely painful playing, and would’ve helped so much with the depression I was feeling. The fear of never being able to play like I did before the accident, and the fear of losing the ability to do the one thing in life I am most passionate about had me way down in the dumps. This product would’ve given me some much needed hope. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who has lost a finger and who loves playing music like I do. It almost immediately felt like a natural extension to the fingertip I lost.
Thank you! Brian Olson. Financial Advisor At Edward Jones. Fairfield, Iowa.

Prosthetic Company: Dear Randy, We delivered our second Galaxy Guitar Finger Extension Today. It fit him perfectly. He was so excited. He wants to play the Erhu with it a Chinese violin. Just wanted to share this with you as maybe you had not heard of this before like me. Thank you for all you do!
Sandra Bross & Associates Prosthetics

This is a Repeat Order from my 8th & recent Custom Orders, please make exactly the same as the others in Flesh Tone. I would like to thank you in advance once again for your great service and a product that has changed my musical life! Johnny V. Lachmeyer Sr. Valley Stream, Long Island New York.

Just a huge thank you to Galaxy Guitars for all the fantastic service and follow up on my order you guys really went the extra mile, my order arrived yesterday and I am extremely happy with the FT-1 finger tips and the plectrums gift included in the package. Well done you guys Rock. Kind Regards, Nigel Camara, South Africa.

This FT-1 XL is a very cool product that you all make. It felt good to play in standard tuning again. Open G is fun and all, but this will be so much better. Thank you for your help! Sam Arena, Zionsville, Indiana.

Took a little practice, but I am getting used to it now. No way could I play without it. My finger is still numb and the grafted skin is very thin and sensitive. Thanks. Fred Miller, Baritone Ukulele Player. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Violinist: I have received my FT-1 today. Day 1 I can see it will make a huge positive impact in my violin playing.
More free from the effect of my finger injury. Kind Regards, Irene Shin. United Kingdom.

I just ordered a Galaxy FT-1 Protector for my client who lost his fingertip in an auto fan blade accident. I am writing this on his behalf and just wanted to let you know that my client's frustration level has practically disappeared completely. He feels it won't be very long that it will entirely disappear for good. The protector you guys have provided him has literally opened up his creative path. He will not be selling his stringed instruments now, thanks to you. Cheers.
Jon Sepulveda, Watch Resources, Inc. Supported Living. Sonora, California.

I'm really impressed with this product after an injury like mine. Losing part of two of my fingers is not a good thing so playing the guitar again is like a rebirth for me! The adaptation process is fast. The Galaxy FT-1 Ultra Flex fits perfectly. You have to be patient to get used to them. Of course it is the solution. Thank's to the Galaxy staff for their attention in every moment I needed. Greetings from Spain! Raúl Buil Nasarre. Professional Guitarist.

This is a re-order. I am currently on my 3rd FT-1 and they are still in good shape but I want to have spares on hand.
Thanks for the great product. It allows me to play. Without it I would not be able to. Please send a flesh tone color.
Steve Hartley. Westminster, California.

I was repairing a piece of electronic gear, trying to remove some epoxy from a circuit board, the razor blade slipped slicing into my fingertip and out the other side through my fingernail. After my finger healed for the first time in 10 years I could no longer play it was devastating. Literally losing sleep wondering if playing guitar was gone forever. I discovered the Galaxy FT-1 on line. I was willing to try it to be able to play the guitar again. Although it felt quite foreign I realized instantly that there was no pain. Now the FT-1 is an extension of my own finger minus the pain. I can fret, bend notes just like before. Thank you so much Galaxy. Grant Ostergard. Dallas, Texas.

Thank You Galaxy For My Custom FT-2 Finger Extension! I lost my ring finger up to the metacarpophalangeal joint years ago working on a large ship propeller. I continued to play my Bass Guitar but could not excel to a higher level, I play Jazz & Rock. I contacted many Prosthetic companies who wanted to fly in to size me for a 2 inch finger prosthetic only they wanted thousand$. I could not afford that. My friend found Galaxy Guitar Products after doing a Tony Iommi search online. Even though I lost more of the finger than Tony, I found Galaxy a God send. After a few emails back & forth to Galaxy's technical team who were very helpful, I ordered my custom made FT-2 Finger extension. After 8 weeks I am now more than able to work it into my playing and grateful I took action. It did take me weeks to become used to it. I am proud I had that determination to do so. Thank You Galaxy Guitar Products Team for working with my photos an giving me the attention to get me using all 4 fingers once again. Anders Jansson, Stockholm, Sweden.

Banjo Player: I’m so happy!!!!! My FT-1 Finger Protector Fits like a glove right out of the box and it’s like I have nothing on my finger! Love it love it love it! I’m sending a small video, I will be ordering more like I mentioned to have spares for backup just in case I lose one. You will be getting another order shortly. Thank you so much for your stellar service. Much appreciated. Robert Whissell, Ontario, Canada.

Custom Ordered 3 Galaxy Finger Protectors & 1 FT-1 XL 1 inch diameter Finger Extension: My order was received on the projected date and time which was awesome. I had some time to try them out over the weekend and that went pretty good, I realize with practice and patience will definitely get better. Thanks to all staff involved for their individual talents and excellent communications in getting this order prepared and delivered to me. I will definitely promote Galaxy Guitar Products USA. Once again Thank You. Sincerely Bill. William Connolly. Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Hey Galaxy! Thanks for the finger extension (protector). It works great! Already getting used to a normal length middle finger. Vaughn Balchunas. Bellingham, Washington.

Galaxy, Thanks! Works great, I'm back in the saddle again!
Edward J Hines. Edward Hines Music, Wendell, Massachusetts.

I was playing guitar for about one year when I accidentally had the tips of my left middle and ring fingers chopped off in a lawn mower accident. Even though I was not an accomplished player I was pleased with the progress I was making with the guitar. I had a skin graft done. To this day the pain continues to exist especially in the winter. Obviously, I was devastated that I could not play guitar anymore. I put band aids on my fingers with the hope that the cushion would protect my injury & stop the pain. I realized it would not work. My injured fingers could not grip the strings. I have been an avid Black Sabbath fan and knew that Tony Iommi had a serious injury to the same fingers that I did. My search led me to Galaxy Guitar Products. I saw there was an affordable product available. I eagerly purchased two FT-1's. After a month I became used to the FT-1's more and more. Now the feeling I have is very natural. I feel blessed I have another opportunity to play again. Without this product I would not be able to play the guitar period. Thanks to everyone at Galaxy Guitar Products! Joe Kramer. Grandville, Michigan.

I want to thank you Galaxy for the FT-1 Protector. With 4 sold out New Years shows and a badly cut finger the outlook was bleak. The Galaxy FT-1 worked great and the shows went on. Was I at 100%? No but I could play enough not to have cancelled. The 10,000 people over 4 days thank you as well. I'd love to write a testimonial for your site if I could, Thanks Again. Rob Eaton. Dark Star Orchestra.

After a hot day of work and a few beers, while trying to trailer A Bull Dozer, my left index finger got pinched between a track and a large chain link. Needless to say, the end of my finger was crushed and left very sensitive. I became a lawyer at age 50. As a reward to myself, I decided to take up guitar this year at 53. I was concerned about my finger. The finger is so sensitive I can't play, or so I thought. Along comes a God send, the Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector. This thing is awesome! It fits perfectly on my finger and the engineering is so precise and well done that I can actually play my guitar-without pain! Awesome!! Thomas Doherty Doyle, Esq. Chelmsford, Maine.

Banjo Player: In a freak accident while hitching up our travel trailer, I amputated my left index finger just above the base of my fingernail. I play banjo, guitar and mandolin, so needless to say I was totally distraught fearing that I would never be able to play again. I began researching finger prosthetics on the internet and found Galaxy Guitars FT-1 finger protector. After reading all the testimonials, I was concerned if it would work for female sized fingers as well. I called and spoke with a tech about the FT-1. He was very helpful and answered my questions. I immediately ordered one even though I knew it would be quite a while before my finger was healed. I could wait no longer. I put it on for the first time, after only 3 evenings of 20 minutes sessions I am able to hit all my old licks on the banjo and with no pain! I have also worked a little with the guitar and mandolin with equal success. I am so pleased after only 3 sessions with the FT-1 that I have ordered a second one. My husband and I play bluegrass professionally, but we play out of passion for the music. The thought of never playing again was devastating. Now I know that it will be music as usual! THANK YOU GALAXY GUITARS FOR THE FT-1!!! Sue Davis. Macon, Georgia.

I ordered the Galaxy FT-1 Finger Protector, I had not been able to play my guitar in over a year after losing 1/2 inch of my ring finger in an accident at work. After pushing it on my finger I proceeded to try an play my guitar. What happened next brought a smile to my face that has not left yet. I could play! After a few weeks of practicing, I have regained most of my playing skills. You never know how much you take something for granted until you lose it. Thank You Galaxy from the bottom of my heart for giving me another chance to play again!!! Greg White. Attleboro, Massachusetts.


Galaxy customers know we take care of them with our great customer service & Global Tracking Updates. When you place an order with Galaxy we track your shipment 24 hours a day. We meet the demands of serious players. If you're playing a club in your home town or you're on the road. Galaxy's professional Global Customer Service is there with our Commitment To Excellence. We work with FedEx keeping you informed to get your order to you as soon as possible.

We ship Internationally 6 days a week. Galaxy FT-1, XL & FT-2 ship worldwide via FedEx. Shipments must clear customs in your Country. Please note: There may be additional Customs charges set by your country that are not covered by Galaxy Guitar Products. We have no control on what your Country Customs policies are at the specific time of delivery.

The Galaxy FT-1, XL & FT-2 are provided to help Musicians. All orders are verified via email. Clients must agree to specific terms by authorizing their order an confirming their size. The Purpose of the Authorization & Agreement is to confirm you have reviewed & understand the Non Returnable All Sales Are Final terms on Finger Protectors & Finger Extensions & you re-measured your finger for a proper fit. Due to the Sanitary nature of these products worn on the finger, risk of infection from bodily fluids such as sweat or unhealed wounds & Covid-19 precautions all sales are final there are no returns, no refunds. We do not handle or re-sell used protectors. Galaxy does not choose your size, we are not responsible for a mis-measured finger or product choices. The Galaxy FT-1, XL & FT-2 are not a medical device, they are music accessories. Galaxy never processes an order or your payment until you confirm it in writing via email. We provide professional help to assist you with sizing. Please make arrangements to have someone at your location to accept your shipment if you will not be available. We can not be responsible for stolen orders once a delivery confirmation to your address has been made by the carrier. When using a credit card to purchase your Ship-to address must match the credit card billing address. For protection of our Customers we verify every order. For Business Inquiries, Sales or Technical Product Questions click the Contact Us form tab. For Customer support email our Client Services Help Desk. The email address is located at the bottom of your sales receipt & email confirmations. Our International Tel: 702-476-9031. To Receive Members Only Discounts- Join our mailing list.

Legal Disclaimer: Please be advised all content including text, photos, discriptions on this website are the sole property of Galaxy Guitar Products USA an may not be used without express written permission. Terms are clearly stated relating to products, non-return policies, finger measurment responsibilities of purchaser. Galaxy Guitar Products USA reserves the right refuse any order or make updates, changes in materials, photos, processes, online verbiage without public notice. For detailed information visit our policies page. Galaxy will always display current products you are ordering.

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